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Saturday, August 18, 2012

ASP.NET Photo Viewer

This program selects photos based on location, displays a matching photo, caption and date.

To start, create a database and table with the following columns:


Photos Table
PhotoID - integer
Filename - nvarchar
Caption - nvarchar
Date - nvarchar
Location - nvarchar

Create the necessary labels, radio buttons and image control to display the page.

Add logic to connect to the database.
var dbPath = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/TravelPhotos.mdb");
oleDbConnection1 = new OleDbConnection();
oleDbConnection1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + dbPath;
//Set the path to our image files into a variable for future use (performs this concatenation only once)
string MapPath1 = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/TravelPhoto.mdb");

Create the variables that will hold the results from the database.
//Two-dimensional Array to hold the info retrieved from the DB
private string[,] m_strTravelInfo;

//Other module level variables
private string m_strFilePath;
private int m_intPhotoCount;
private int m_intCurrentIndex;

Add the logic to handle the check-changed events for the radio buttons.
Stored Procedures:
FROM Photos
WHERE Location=[@Location];
SELECT Filename, Caption, Date
FROM Photos
WHERE Location=[@Location];
protected void rbBigSur_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  //load array
  //diplay first image, caption and date
  //retreive m_intPhotoCount from Session variable
  m_strTravelInfo = (string[,])Session["s_strTravelInfo"];

  string strFileName = m_strTravelInfo[0, 0];
  lblCaption.Text = m_strTravelInfo[0, 1];
  lblTravelDate.Text = m_strTravelInfo[0, 2];
  imgMain.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + strFileName;
}// end rbBigSur_CheckedChanged

private void GetPhotoData(string strLocation)
     //Open our connection, provided that it isn't already open
     if (oleDbConnection1.State != ConnectionState.Open)
     //Find out how many photos in our DB correspond to the selected location. 
     m_intPhotoCount = GetPhotoCount(strLocation);
     //store m_intPhotoCount in a Session variable
     Session["s_intPhotoCount"] = m_intPhotoCount;
     //Use that value to size our TravelInfo array. 
     if (m_intPhotoCount == 0)
     { //Exit this function if the PhotoCount query returned 0 results
                Console.WriteLine("PhotoCount returned 0 results.  Please investigate.");
     m_strTravelInfo = new string[m_intPhotoCount, 3];
     //Initialize the location parameter to our GetPhotoInfoByLocation ADO Command Object
     oleDbCommandGetPhotoInfoByLocation = new OleDbCommand("GetPhotoInfoByLocation_sp", oleDbConnection1);
     oleDbCommandGetPhotoInfoByLocation.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
     oleDbCommandGetPhotoInfoByLocation.Parameters.Add("@Location", OleDbType.VarChar, 25);
     oleDbCommandGetPhotoInfoByLocation.Parameters["@Location"].Value = strLocation;
     //Use a DataReader to get the info from our database
            oleDbDataReader1 = oleDbCommandGetPhotoInfoByLocation.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
     int intLoopCounter = 0;
     //Loop through this data to populate our TravelInfo array.
     while (oleDbDataReader1.Read() == true)
       m_strTravelInfo[intLoopCounter, 0] = oleDbDataReader1.GetString(0); //Filename
       m_strTravelInfo[intLoopCounter, 1] = oleDbDataReader1.GetString(1); //Caption
       m_strTravelInfo[intLoopCounter, 2] = oleDbDataReader1.GetString(2); //TravelDate

      //Display the first photo from our collection matching this location. 
      m_intCurrentIndex = 0;
      //Store m_intCurrentIndex in a Session variable
      Session["s_intCurrentIndex"] = m_intCurrentIndex;
      //store the array in a Session object
      Session["s_strTravelInfo"] = m_strTravelInfo;
      }// end try
      catch (Exception ex)

}// end GetPhotoData

private int GetPhotoCount(string strLocation)
   //Set the parameter to allow us to find out how many photos match our selected location. 
   oleDbCommandGetCountOfPhotosByLocation = new OleDbCommand("GetCountOfPhotosByLocation_sp", oleDbConnection1);
   oleDbCommandGetCountOfPhotosByLocation.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
   oleDbCommandGetCountOfPhotosByLocation.Parameters.Add("@Location", OleDbType.VarChar, 25);
   oleDbCommandGetCountOfPhotosByLocation.Parameters["@Location"].Value = strLocation;
   //Execute our stored procedure to retrieve the number that we need
   int intNoOfPhotos = Convert.ToInt32(oleDbCommandGetCountOfPhotosByLocation.ExecuteScalar());
   //Send that value back to the calling function
   return intNoOfPhotos;
  catch (Exception ex)
   return 0;

}// end GetPhotoCount

Add code to handle the "Previos" and "Next" button click events.
protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (Session["s_intPhotoCount"] != null)
       m_intPhotoCount = (int)Session["s_intPhotoCount"];

     if (m_intPhotoCount == 0)
     { //Exit this function if the PhotoCount query returned 0 results
      lblError.Text = "Please Select an Option Before Clicking on Next";
      lblError.Visible = true;

     lblError.Visible = false;
     //retreive m_intPhotoCount from Session variable
     m_intPhotoCount = (int)Session["s_intPhotoCount"];
     //retreive m_intCurrentIndex from Session variable
     m_intCurrentIndex = (int)Session["s_intCurrentIndex"];    
     if (m_intCurrentIndex < m_intPhotoCount - 1)
      m_intCurrentIndex += 1;
      //Store m_intCurrentIndex in a Session variable
      Session["s_intCurrentIndex"] = m_intCurrentIndex;
      //Loop around to the other end of our array
      m_intCurrentIndex = 0;
      //Store m_intCurrentIndex in a Session variable
      Session["s_intCurrentIndex"] = m_intCurrentIndex;
   }// end try
   catch (Exception ex)
}// btnNext_Click

private void DisplayInfo(int intCounter)
 //retreive m_intPhotoCount from Session variable
 m_strTravelInfo = (string[,])Session["s_strTravelInfo"];
 string strFileName = m_strTravelInfo[intCounter, 0];
 lblCaption.Text = m_strTravelInfo[intCounter, 1];
 lblTravelDate.Text = m_strTravelInfo[intCounter, 2];

 if (File.Exists(m_strFilePath + strFileName))
  imgMain.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + strFileName;

}// end DisplayInfo

Click ((here)) for the project code.

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