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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Create a Basic Quiz Engine (part 2)

This is a continuation of "Create a Basic Quiz Engine (part1)".

Start by creating some extra criteria for your new enhanced quiz engine.


Quiz Engine Requirements
User is greeted by splash page.
Quizzes are multiple choice. One question per screen.
User can see the results on the screen in a detailed grid.
Results are stored in a SQL Server Database.
The user can exit the program before the quiz is finished.

List the pages, controls, files and databases necessary to complete the project.


    Welcome Page
    Question Page
    SQL Server Database

    -Welcome Page
    --button to navigate to question page
    -Question page
    --question description label
    --results description label
    --total score label
    --3 radio buttons with 3 descriptions
    --submit button
    --exit button
    -Quiz Database
    --Quiz Table
    ---question id
    ---question description
    ---question answer1 ID
    ---question answer1 Description
    ---question answer2 ID
    ---question answer2 Description
    ---question answer3 ID
    ---question answer3 Description
    ---question correct answer ID
    --UserScore Table

Use the code from "Create a Basic Quiz Engine (part1)" to create a new project. Add a "UserScore" table to the Quiz database.

Create a new class for the new "UserScore" list.

    class UserScore
        public int intRowID { get; set; }
        public int intUserID { get; set; }
        public string strUserName { get; set; }
        public string strQuestionDescription { get; set; }
        public int intUserAnswerID { get; set; }
        public string strUserAnswerDescription { get; set; }
        public int intQuizCorrectQuestionID { get; set; }
        public string strQuizCorrectDescription { get; set; }
        public int intUserQuestionScore { get; set; }

Hard code the user name and ID for this version.

int intUserID = 1;
string strUserName = "harry";

Load the questions and uncheck the radio buttons.
Populate the radio buttons and description label with the first question.

public QuestionPage()

    foreach (Question objQuestion in QuestionRowList)
        if (objQuestion.intQuestionID == intTestQuestionNumber)
            lblQuestion.Text = objQuestion.strQuestionDescription;
            strQuestionDescription = objQuestion.strQuestionDescription;
            radioButton1.Text = objQuestion.strAnswer1Description;
            radioButton2.Text = objQuestion.strAnswer2Description;
            radioButton3.Text = objQuestion.strAnswer3Description;
            intCorrectQuestionID = objQuestion.intCorrectAnswerID;
            strCorrectQuestionDescription = objQuestion.strCorrectAnswerDescription;

    }// end foreach

    radioButton1.Checked = false;
    radioButton2.Checked = false;
    radioButton3.Checked = false;

}// end QuestionPage()

Click here for the project code. Just create a SQL Server database with test data, edit the connection string and run it.

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