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Hello, I'm a technology geek looking to upgrade my programming skills. These are some of the things I'm learning along my journey.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

WAMP Server Will Not Start or Gives a Blank Page

This is a common problem when you first install the WAMP server. There can be several possible reasons for this. The problems I am covering are for Windows 7 operating system.
  1. The "httpd.conf" file requires editing.
  2. Conflicting services must be turned off or modified.
  3. IIS is running and must be turned off. 

The "httpd.conf" file requires editing. 

Open up your "httpd.conf" file by clicking on the WAMP and hover over "Apache" and then click on "httpd.conf". This will open the "httpd.conf" file. Page through the file and locate "Listen 80". Change the line to "Listen 8080". Now restart the WAMP services by clicking on "Restart All Services" in the WAMP popup menu. Test this change by clicking on "Localhost" in the popup menu. Chances are that the screen will still be blank. Change the address at the top of the browser menu to "http://localhost:8080/". The WAMP server welcome screen should now appear.

Conflicting services must be turned off or modified.

Another way to fix the problem is to stop conflicting Windows services that are running. There are several steps to accomplish this.

1. If using Skype, go to Tools->Options->Advanced->Connection and uncheck the box "Use 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections". Restart Skype after WAMP. Now you will be able to use both programs at the same time w/o problems.

2.  For other services open up you "Command Prompt" and type: netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80. You should see a list of services running on port 80 with their associated "PID" numbers. Write the number down and check the name of the process that is running under the "PID". To do this, open up your "Task Manager" and select the "Services" tab. Click on the "PID" column header and sort the rows by "PID" number. You should be able to find the name of the service that is running under the associated "PID" number. Once you find the name of the service, you need to determine if it is essential for Windows to run properly. You can do that by looking up the name in a search engine. If it is not essential, you can stop the service either permanently or temporarily by clicking on the "Services" button which will open the "Services" dialog box. Here you can scroll through the various services until you find the service name that you are looking for. Once you find it, click on it to highlight it and click on "Action" on the menu bar and select "Properties". Another dialog box will appear and select the "General" tab. Click on the "Startup Type" drop-down menu and select either "Manual" or "Disabled". Click "OK" and exit the "Windows Task Manager". Restart your machine and start your WAMP server.

3. IIS conflicts with WAMP so it must to be turned off while WAMP is running. To do this, open you "Control Panel" and click on "Programs and Features". There should be a link with the text "Turn Windows features on or off". Click on this link and wait for the dialog box to load up. Find the "Internet Information Services" box and deselect it. Click "OK"  and exit the Control Panel. Restart your machine.

Here is a video I like that explains the process in detail:
Installing WampServer 2.2A Trouble Shooting

Running a dotNet Website From a Sub-directory

You will probably get an error if you run an ASP.NET application in a sub-directory. The IIS settings on your host server must be configured first.

To do this on Godaddy:

Go to your "Hosting Control Center".
Hover over the "Content" tab and choose "IIS Management".
Click on the "Create" icon.
Type in the directory name you wish your ASP.NET application to run at.
Click on "Set Application Root" and click "OK".
Click on the "Pipeline" icon.
Select "Integrated Pipeline".
Click "OK"

It will take a least a few minutes for the changes to take effect. When they are done, the status will read "Setup" and you are ready to try out your new ASP.NET application.